Financial Overview

(Unless otherwise stated, the number is in million RMB)

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Turnover 8,013.3 9,150.3 8,337.2 6,946.0 6,073.6
Turnover (In the case that all medicines were directly sold by the
9,472.2 10,497.5 9,230.2 7,395.2 6,416.3
Profit for the Year 2,384.4 (Normalized profit for the year# 2,709.3) 3,276.2 3,025.3 2,555.7 1,955.7
Basic EPS (RMB Yuan) 0.9792 1.3281 1.2228 1.0237 0.7905
Total Dividend Per Share for the Year (RMB Yuan) 0.3917 0.5344 0.4910 0.4138 0.3154
Gearing Ratio 7.2% 10.0% 10.6% 4.6% 6.2%
Return on Equity 15.7% 23.8% 25.3% 24.8% 21.8%

*For the year ended 31 December
#Normalized profit for the year represents proft for the year excluding provisions of impairment losses on related assets

Financial Highlights For the Latest Fifteen Years



*In the case that all medicines were directly sold by the Group

Profit for the Year


Dividend Payout Ratio




*Calculated using adjusted profit which excluded the fair value gain arising from investment in Tibet Pharma